Monthly Archives: March 2011

Octomom and American Illustration 29


Here’s my Octomom illustration as she appeared in American Illustration 29. The book came out several months ago but my blog wasn’t up yet so I’m a postin’ now. I’ve got to say it’s an honor to be included in this annual book amongst so many of todays talented illustrators.

My First Post

Greetings everyone! I’m excited to finally take the plunge and get my blog rolling. Yeah, I know there’s like 8 gazillion artist blogs out there, but the thing that sets this one apart is the fact that it’s mine. Much like having a pet, it will take some care and feeding, perhaps an occasional de-fleaing, but should be a rewarding pursuit. I’m looking forward to sharing my art, personal and professional, as well as sketches, and musings, and any other tidbits I find worthy for consumption. Stay tuned.