Monthly Archives: August 2017

The Real Cat Man

And here’s my recent cover illustration for the Miami New Times. It features Key West’s most famous street entertainer, Dominique (aka the Cat Man) Lefort and his Flying House Cats. A wacky and eccentric French clown, Lefort has dazzled crowds for over three decades with his team of seemingly ordinary house cats who perform amazing stunts like jumping through flaming hoops and walking across narrow balance beams. This is pretty remarkable when you consider we have a cat and we can’t even get her to stay off the kitchen table! It was a treat to work with AD Kristin Bjornsen again on this cover.

Logan Lucky

Here’s my latest Must List illustration for Entertainment Weekly–a group caricature of the just released movie Logan Lucky. This heist comedy–sort of a Southern fried Ocean’s Eleven–stars Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Daniel Craig, and Katie Holmes. A big thank you to art director Jennie Chang–this was a fun one to work on!